In May/June my dad came to visit. I know he's not a going-public kind of guy, but since this is a semi-anonymous blog frequented only by personal friends and family, I figured I should take the opportunity to show you what a great time we all had.
First of all, I have to state for the record that my dad is an intrepid traveler. He's gung-ho and ready to go! He got the knack of the bus system (and got to know one bus driver well enough that they'd wave to each other whenever they crossed paths - not literally, she was driving a bus, after all) and took off for downtown whenever the notion struck.

In town he offered us the chance to try out different restaurants and Dan remembered that he'd spotted an intriguing French crepe shop. We found a new favorite!
The general reaction looked a lot like this:

We celebrated Merlin's birthday with a lot of jumping up and down on a spiffy new trampoline.

We also commenced the introduction of two new household members, Tibby and Sherlock, who transplanted happily from a local animal shelter.
We took two local trips, one by train and one by car. Eisenach (which I posted about in November and December of last year) has a lot going for it. Not only is it near a national park and home to Wartburg Castle, but it's also a famous composer's hometown.
We visited the Bach Haus where they have a really nice museum - with old instruments, a live performance, samples of recordings and some really cool suspended bubble-chairs where you can sit back and listen (which I didn't take a picture of - maybe that'll inspire you to visit).
The displays were bilingual and included delightful tidbits of info that made it a lot of fun to visit.

Apparently Eisenach has even more to see, but we left Dad-inspired, automobile fixation for another day (and another post).
First of all, I have to state for the record that my dad is an intrepid traveler. He's gung-ho and ready to go! He got the knack of the bus system (and got to know one bus driver well enough that they'd wave to each other whenever they crossed paths - not literally, she was driving a bus, after all) and took off for downtown whenever the notion struck.

The general reaction looked a lot like this:

We also commenced the introduction of two new household members, Tibby and Sherlock, who transplanted happily from a local animal shelter.

We visited the Bach Haus where they have a really nice museum - with old instruments, a live performance, samples of recordings and some really cool suspended bubble-chairs where you can sit back and listen (which I didn't take a picture of - maybe that'll inspire you to visit).

Apparently Eisenach has even more to see, but we left Dad-inspired, automobile fixation for another day (and another post).
I recognize this face from Hudson Ct.! You're so lucky to have him visit; I'm feeling jealous of friends with parents now as we said farewell to my mother in late April. You think you're prepared but you never are. So enjoy this family bonding which looks so fun. And, I am so glad you now have cats that can be fed inside your home....
:) It was nice to have him here, bringing a fresh breath of California with him.
Oh, you know it took me so long to commit to having cats - didn't want to betray Jazzy, you know. But Devin (who's visiting friends in Davis) has said she'll pass the message along to her that there are two handsome German kitties willing to win her heart. :)
Sorry to hear about your about your mom's passing and I appreciate the reminder to make the most of every moment.
I miss you and hope you're well!
Wow, pets, eh? You really are settled in there now. :)
How fun to explore new places with your dad. I love your pictures- they help assuage my urge to current intern is planning a European summer trip for 2013, and I am trying to figure out how easy it would be to sneak into her suitcase.
Well, I don't know how settled we ever get, but considering how often Dan is gone and the kids are in school - I needed company :)
You know, in my enthusiasm to read your message I mis-read terribly and totally skipped the "my intern" part and at first though YOU were planning a Europe trip. Dash my hopes, geez!
By all means, sneak into her suitcase :)
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