January 14, 2009


It seemed like I'd gotten back to a good posting volume in December, but then lost it right around New Year. That would be because right around the last few days of December we made a decision to return to CA.

Of course Dan is still working here, but Devin, Merlin & I are returning so that we can help out my dad who is recovering from a second back surgery. We'll be moving in together when we get back to Davis.

I'm looking for a house and trying to get all this accomplished as smoothly as possible, so I may not post very often in the meantime. In fact I don't know what that means for the fate of the blog, though technically, since we're going back, it'll be the Opposite Shore of the one we're on currently.... I don't know.

I do have a lot of pictures and things I'd been planning to post, so I may just drag them out a bit longer even though we're returning in a week.

Welcome to the whirlwind!

1 comment:

uchi deshi said...

Sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like big changes are on the way.