December 06, 2008

cookies, toaster-oven style

That day we were into baking cookies and such. Julie our friend, Devin, and I baked really yummy peanut butter cooties erm cookies. Guess what?! We were actually able to find Amazing Skippy Peanut butter!!! Just kidding about the Amazing, but we did find the peanut butter.

It was Julie's LUCKY DAY. Ye know why? Because she was able to bake (in a toaster oven) her first batch of cookies EVER!!!!! Isn't she cute? She's wearing our teddy bear apron while Devin and I wore our aprons from our Aunt Jessie.

Here we are smiling and happy, ready to eats tons of sugar while sneaking pieces of dough during the time that my mom was in the kitchen. Heehee ;0) smiley face winking yay!
Here are the good looking crunchy with a slightly golden touch to the cookies. It took aprox. 5-10 min to bake. My specialty, the slightly black ones (really I actually DO like the slightly over cooked ones).

Delicious, perfectly sweet, beautiful golden-brown, warm, great when dipped in refrigerated milk, and has the perfect touch of flavor. Yummmmmmm!!!!!! ^-^ :-) @.@ &.& *-* :P :D (these are all my creative invention of smiley faces)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so jealous you found some Skippy! There is no way I could find that here! Those cookies look very yummy, by the way!