April 03, 2008

how to be a blogger...

or maybe I mean that with a question mark as I'm thinking this up as I type - I kind of played with blogging last year, but it was a quiet little deal that pretty much only I read. I look at it as though it was a practice run for this one.

Anybody who wants can join us in our soon-to-occur dive into China. Along the way it'll be proven just how crazy we are (not just in moving us all to China, but in general, we're kind of ....different).

It's strange to have a brand new unused blog open to any representation of ourselves that we want to offer - there are so many different levels at which one's life can be approached to make it understandable to others. For me, I probably need to ignore the "threat" of an audience in the early stage so I can become comfortable posting...

You'll notice there's a huge gap - exactly a year - between my last 2007 post and the newer ones. What happened was that Dan couldn't access the blog from Beijing. This was probably because I'd started it out as a "private" blog while it was being set up and somehow he couldn't get in even though he's a contributor. There's also the issue of China's censorship of blogger sites - though this week, when I removed the permission aspect Dan was able to view it just fine. I'd shelved the blog idea but now it looks like we'll have a workaround for the firewall (aka The Great Firewall of China) that allows the PRC to effectively block controversial and untested sites- so I should have access to everything I do here, thanks to someone I won't name since he's actually giving me server space at his work...

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